Gerald Griffin St. Cork

September, 2018

Buddy Week

Buddy week was held in North Pres last week. Every child from Junior Infants up to 6th class was paired with a buddy in a different class.The staff in the school also buddied up and carried out random acts of kindness to their buddies throughout the week. On Monday the children got to meet their …Continue reading


Busy gardeners

3rd class were busy this week planting some bulbs out the front of the school. We look forward to seeing them bloom in Spring.


Football Season

Football season has started again in North Pres with the football team taking part in Sciath na Scol. The girls have been busy training and so far have played matches against Greenmount NS and St. Brendan’s GNS.


Health Promoting School Committee

Our Health Promoting School committee had their first meeting for the year last week. They had a very productive meeting with some healthy soda bread as a snack. They will have a very busy year ahead of them, starting with Buddy Week which is happening in North Pres next week.
