Gerald Griffin St. Cork

May, 2019

Wake up and shake up

Wake up and shake up has started again for the summer term. Over 45 pupils are coming in early before school to get some exercise and skipping. This happens 3 mornings a week (Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday) and the children absolutely love it.


Badminton Games

The girls in 5th class took part in some friendly games against some other schools in Neptune Stadium this week. After all their practise in school they really show cased their new skills and enjoyed the day.


Badminton in North Pres

The children in North Pres have added a new sport to the school’s activities- Badminton. This week Tanya from Cork Sport’s partnership came and taught the girls from 3rd and 5th classes some skills on how to play badminton. The girls had great fun with all the games that they played.


April Assembly

The school held its monthly assembly recently. 5th class provided the quote of the month which reminds us that sometimes it takes hard work to achieve something. Mr. Donovan’s class did a wonderful song about the story of the Little Red Hen and an irish poem for the school. It was wonderful to see them …Continue reading


Summer Gardening.

Ms Coleman was very busy recently helping the children plant some healthy vegetables in our school garden. They also planted some flowers in front of the school, next to the railings. Sometime soon we hope to see some bright coloured flowers as we walk to school in the morning.


Fun in Early Start

The children in early start had great fun recently while out in the yard. They brought some of their toys out that roll and raced them around the track. They then tried to catch some bubbles without bursting them.
