Gerald Griffin St. Cork

October, 2015

Busy at Work

4th class have been very busy so far this year. All the girls in the class completed projects on countries competing in the Rugby World Cup. At the start of each week we look up the results of the matches to see which countries are playing well. The girls also made their own stencils of …Continue reading


Presentation of the Irish Tricolour Flag

Sergeant Denis McGarry and his colleague Mark Cotter from Collin’s Barracks visited our school today to present us with our very own Irish flag. Sergeant McGarry read the proclamation with the assistance of five of our 6th Class girls. He told the children about the origin of the tricolour and Irish history. The sergeant presented …Continue reading


Crocus Project -Planting

The 6th class girls were busy today in our garden planting crocus bulbs in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. The Crocus Project aims to raise awareness of the dangers of prejudice, discrimination and hatred.

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