Gerald Griffin St. Cork

May 10th, 2018

Baking Fun

Ms. Conway took some of her pupils baking recently. The girls had to work hard, reading the recipe, measuring the ingredients, baking the cookies and decorating them. They really enjoyed the experience as well as eating all the delicious cookies they made.


CAPER- Final session

The final session of CAPER (Children And Parents Enjoy Reading) was held recently in Senior Infants and 1st class. The children really enjoy these sessions when parents come in and read to them once a week. Thank you to all the parents that gave up their time to come in and read to the children.


Nano Nagle Celebration

Recently the school joined in the celebrations for Nano Nagle’s tercentenary held in the North Cathedral. The children performed a tableau depicting Nano’s decision to become a nun and set up the Presentation sisters as well as a beautiful liturgical dance performed to the hymn “Who will light the Lantern”


Busy in the garden

Ms. Coleman and Ms. Conway have been very busy in the school garden recently. They have had lots of help from all of the classes. Some of the older girls helped painting tyres. We now have some very colourful minnions full of flowers welcoming us into our school everyday as well as some bright colourful …Continue reading


One book, one community- Sky Hawk

Sky Hawk by Gill Lewis was the chosen book for the One Book One Community Project 2018. The girls in fourth and fifth class in North Pres. read this book along with other children from other schools including Blarney St., St Vincent’s Primary, St Vincent’s Secondary, The Mon Primary, The Mon Secondary, The AG and …Continue reading
