Gerald Griffin St. Cork

June 28th, 2016

Our two first classes put on an excellent performance of “The Fisherman’s Wife”. All the children acted out their parts brilliantly and remembered all their lines. After the show it was time for the boys’ graduation. Ms Murray told us all about our wonderfully hard working and talents boys and how much they will be …Continue reading


Professor Fluffy

5th Class participated in the Professor Fluffy programmer this year. They learned a lot about college, careers and subject choices. Ms Cassidy worked really hard with the girls and they had a very good grasp of university terminology and concepts. The girls went on a trip to U.C.C. where they had a tour of the …Continue reading


3rd Class Baking

Egle returned to North Pres. again this year to bake with her daughter’s class. They made delicious cupcakes and enjoyed eating them as much as baking them! It’s great to have so many talented parents willing to share their skills.


Baking with Reena & Gearóid

Ms Bohane’s Junior Infants were working with two special chefs this week – Reena and Gearóid and their assistant Anil. The baked delicious cup cakes and later decorated them with icing.  


G.A.A. Awards

Congratulations to our Senior Infants and First Classes on receiving their certificate from Brian of Delany’s G.A.A Club. Over the weeks that Brian and Ron trained the children they progressed well with their G.A.A. skills. Some of our boys and girls are members of Delany’s Club on Dublin Hill and enjoy their training and matches. …Continue reading
